

So how, you may ask, did Workout Wednesday begin? Like Josie mentioned, she believes in balance and that extends to her outlook about her company. How can we possibly be making products that are good for you outside without focusing on the beauty within? How can we support each other in caring about the world around us without looking at our own lives, too?

And so, eight months ago, Workout Wednesday was born at Josie Maran Cosmetics. We huffed and puffed our way through it at first, but over time we saw change. Sure, it was fun to share a plate of cookies at the lunch table, but it was even sweeter to support each other in becoming stronger and healthier; To get each other through running around the block and up the stairs rather than bowing out.

So here is our advice to starting your own Workout Wednesday or Tuesday, or even every other Monday:

-First, start by making simple changes for yourself. Take the stairs, park a little further, pick a grocery basket over a cart. Yes, there are some here who workout more than once a week, but even those who don't have seen changes in their strength, endurance and health simply with one hour a week of activity.

-Find a lunch buddy who will share in healthy choices. Perhaps you bring a big salad and they bring soup to split. Meet each other for a water break to get your proper fill.  Or stock your drawer with nutritious snacks like raw almonds or whole fruit that can be passed around. Whatever the small change, share it.

-Finally, dedicate one day (or more if you can!) to movement. That means a workout, a hike, a walk around the block, or dancing around your living room. Find what is best for you, but most importantly—stick to it.
All you need is to begin.

How do you stay healthy?

Leave a comment and your email address and we'll select one on Friday, September 16 as the winner of an Argan Sun Protection for Body.

Reader Comments (30)

I stay healthy by having a positive outlook. I find that if I eat a healthy breakfast, I feel better about myself and I make healthier food choices throughout the day. On days when I do not have time for a workout, I'll try to squeeze in small walks and eat lighter.

September 15, 2011 | Unregistered CommenterJennifer

I drink lots of water, use argon oil for my skin and deep breathing ♥

September 15, 2011 | Unregistered CommenterBeth

I stay healthy by planning meals and snacks and cooking for the upcoming week every weekend so I don't have any excuses to eat junk food when life gets busy during the week. I love to cook so it's fun to experiment with new healthy recipes and new ingredients. Plus I try to find exercise that I enjoy so I can look forward to my workouts instead of creating excuses to skip them. I also believe that being healthy is more then what we eat and how active we are so I stay healthy by not stressing over things that we can't control and appreciating all that life has to offer. Lastly, I apply sunscreen and use my argan oil every day!!

September 15, 2011 | Unregistered CommenterVictoria

I stay fit by taking bellydance classes. I have been doing bellydance for 5 years now. I started after the birth of my second son. I absolutely love it and I love the ladies that I dance with. We are all different ages and sizes but we dance our hearts out. It is great to have a community of friends who enjoy dancing and staying fit!

September 15, 2011 | Unregistered CommenterLauren

I stay healthy by eating well, drinking lots of water, NOT tanning, using sunscreen and by doing varied workouts including weight lifting, yoga, cardio and kettle bells, 4-6 times a week. I also use all natural skin, hair and make-up products. I am seeing a positive difference in my skin with Josie's makeup and Argan oil.

September 15, 2011 | Unregistered CommenterRobin B.

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