ECO TIPS Raising Eco Chic Babies
One of my favorite "quotes to live by" is a Native American proverb that says, "We don't inherit the earth from our ancestors, we borrow it from our children."
When my first daughter was born, I became obsessed with that message. I wanted to do everything possible to make the world beautiful for my baby. Since Indi Joon arrived ten days ago, I've become obsessed again. I really want my girls to grow up loving and respecting nature. Here are the eco-warrior mama tips I came up with. I'd love to hear yours, too.
Teach the Birds and the Bees.
I grew up in a green household with parents who always recycled, and took my brother and me on nature hikes, and questioned where things went when we threw them "away." Their attitudes helped make me into the earth-mom I am, and I'm raising my girls the same way. Rumi doesn't get scared or grossed out when she sees a spider or a mouse or a bee, because she's never been taught to fear nature. I'm teaching my jellybeans to love all creatures, even if they're a little hairy and have eight legs.
Grow a Garden full of Goodies
Believe it or not, one of Rumi's favorite foods is Japanese Shishito peppers. Luckily for us, they're super easy to grow in a hot, sunny climate like LA. We grow as many of the foods she loves as we can, so she has a first-hand appreciation for the benefits of doing-it-yourself in the garden.
Read and Learn
There are tons of kids' books available that teach children to be good to the planet and kind to other people. One of my all time favorites is a book I had when I was a kid, The Lorax by Dr. Seuss. "I am the Lorax, I speak for the trees!"
With love,
Reader Comments (2)
Thank you for creating two little beauties that will no doubt be concerned with maintaining a beautiful world! I wish more mommas would think as you do!
Oh...and congrats on that little angel =)
When i was a chiid my mom would take our wagon, my sisters, and myself and we would walk down our road and pick up trash. It was a good lesson about not being a litter bug and it made me feel so proud that we were doing something to help the Earth.
Congrats Josie on your baby. Both of your girls are beautiful!