
DO GOOD Earth Day

Happy Earth Day, everyone!

Today is one of my favorite holidays! I like to think of Earth Day as Mama Earth’s version of New Year’s Day. It’s a chance for all of us to resolve to do better for our planet at her creatures (including one another) in the upcoming year. Here are a few things you can do today that will continue to help Mama Earth for the rest of the year.

Switch Your Light Bulbs: Tonight, go home and switch our your lightbulbs for energy efficient ones. Your energy bill and the planet will thank you.

Pick Up Trash: We all see it—trash littering our home. Go outside and pick some up! Even if it’s just a few pieces, you ARE making a difference. What if everyone followed suit and picked up just a few pieces of trash? Imagine the effect we could have!

Plant Something: Of course, planting a tree is one of my favorite Earth Day activities because it is the gift that keeps on giving back. But even a small plant in your backyard or in a pot for your house will help. Plants improve the quality of our air, and having a little green around has been proven to improve your mood.

And, as always, I urge you to speak for the earth when she cannot speak for herself. Vote for laws and regulations that protect our wildlife, our waterways, and our forests. Support nonprofits and companies that fight for the planet. And tell you friends and neighbors about the importance of doing good for the earth.  If you are a good role model for the people in your life, chances are, they’ll want to follow your lead.

Peace on Earth,


P.S. This watercolor of our planet is one of my favorite new discoveries. Hope you love it as much as I do!

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Reader Comments (2)

Great tips! :) Upcycle & Recycle. So much good info is available! Not sure about planting anything this year as 3 wild rabbits have come to call my yard home!

April 23, 2013 | Unregistered Commenterelizabeth

ps. This is a lovely watercolor!

April 23, 2013 | Unregistered Commenterelizabeth

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