Entries in Fitness (4)




As many of you know, Wednesdays at JMC are our workout days. We run around the block, do dozens of squats, and crunch to our heart’s not-so-content. We’re a diverse group, ranging from 21 years old to 60, and we’re all at different fitness levels. Some of us can barely touch our toes; others are pro-style yogis. Although we sometimes slip up, we try not to compare ourselves to one another—after all, working out is all about showing your body some love, not bringing it down with negative self-talk. We leave our workouts feeling stronger, healthier, and a whole lot more beautiful (despite the frizzy post-workout hair). What makes YOU feel good about your body? What do you do to show your temple some love?

xo, The Chicological Chicks 

Image via Glamour

P.S. That's not us, we just really loved all the beautiful sizes in this picture. 


WORKOUT WEDNESDAY with For Two Fitness

Staying active during pregnancy is super-important. You can’t overdo it, but just the right amount of exercise increases your circulation, which then carries more oxygen to your baby. Here are my tips for safely working up a sweat.

Be Classy

The exercises in prenatal classes are modified for pregnancy, and the instructors are trained to make sure you don’t overexert yourself. My faves are water aerobics and yoga, and I also love hanging out with other moms-to-be.

Can We Talk?

While you’re pregnant, you should never be so out of breath that you can’t talk while you’re working out.

Keep Cool

Pregnant women have higher body temperatures, and when we exercise, our body temperate goes up even more, especially around the core. Be careful not to overheat when you’re exercising, and avoid exercising on very hot days. 



We get it. It's cold outside, your bed is warm and that dream about vacationing on a fantastic island makes you want to close your eyes again to see if you can return to swaying in a hammock. We don't blame you. But if you're going to skip out on a workout (or two), please, please, take a few minutes to stretch before you face the day.

Not only will you

  • improve your muscle strength
  • help your posture
  • increase flexibility
  • help prevent injury

But it will also get your circulation going so that you are actually more alert and awake! And since it requires no equipment, you can do it wherever you are, even if you're on the road like I am. In the long run, those few minutes will turn into a healthier you.

Speaking of stretching, we also challenge you to stretch your limits a bit throughout the day, even if not in the physical sense. Perhaps try a new food, sip a new tea, take the scenic way home or learn about something you wouldn't normally be drawn to (staffers around here recommend This American Life or Radiolab just for stretching your mind).

How do you break out of your comfort zone? Any good stretches you recommend?



I get asked a lot about my fitness routine. Well, if you're a mother and you work like I do, you'll probably relate to this answer: running around in life, of course! I do workout on Workout Wednesdays at the office and I like to go to the gym every now and then, but I primarily stay healthy by simply moving. I think a lot of people guilt themselves if they don't make it to that cardio class or get on the treadmill. . .but I say, just find a way to shake it up a little. Why not dance while making dinner? Or go outside to run around with your kids? Here's a few calorie burning fun activities that will make you forget you're working out, but will help you keep fit. (These are calories burned in an hour for a 150 lb. person on average). What about you? How do you move while not at the gym?

Cooking: 180 calories
Surfing: 207 calories
Table tennis: 270 calories
Bicycling: 270 calories
Kayaking: 342 calories
Gardening: 369 calories
Dancing: 378 calories
Hiking: 405 calories

Oh, and these photos are dug up from the archives. I was almost 10 years younger then!