Entries in Pregnant (1)



I’m so excited to announce that my daughter Rumi Joon is going to have a little brother or sister this summer! Ali and I are expecting our second child, and I couldn’t be more thrilled to share this exciting news. Motherhood has been a truly inspiring experience. As you probably know, I became even more aware of what I was putting inside my body and on my skin during my first pregnancy, and that motivated me to create Josie Maran Cosmetics. But I’ve learned a lot about myself by watching Rumi Joon grow up and just seeing her smile makes me realize that being happy is the ultimate beauty secret (that and a lot of Argan Oil on your skin—especially for stretch marks!).

Anyway, I can’t wait to welcome this new addition to my family. I’ve already gotten back into pre-natal yoga, and I’m just bracing myself for the weird food cravings to kick in - last time it was chocolate ice cream with pickles, so who knows what to expect this time! As all of you moms and moms-to–be know, this is an amazing time in a woman’s life, and I’m looking forward to sharing this experience with you.

Thanks so much for your support and love. I'm sending it right back to you!