Happy New Year! We were so inspired by all of your words, but Jamie struck a chord with all of us. To love and accept yourself truly is, in our opinion, the best way to find peace and happiness. Once you're content with who you are, you can then make your surroundings better.
As we march into 2012, we're sending you the strength to always be true to who you are, the wisdom to know that you are loved, and the resolve to do good in the world!
Congrats again Jamie.
Reader Comments (1)
I LOVE this. I was just thinking about how great it would be if we were born with the wisdom and knowledge we have in our 30's and 40's, when we were in our teens and twenties. It would be a totally different story!!! I keep telling my 14 year old that one day it will all click and she will see how wonderful, beautiful, smart and creative she really is and walk that out everyday!!!