

Did you know? JMC is all about “Luxury with a Conscience” because our products are made from good-for-your-body-and-the-planet ingredients. But there's more good to JMC than meets the eye (or the skin): we also give back to the community. Being kind and conscious really matters to us, and we know it matters to our customers, too. Here are some of the ways in which your JMC purchases help make the world a better place:

City of Hope & GOGO Mascara

Prettifying your lashes can help cancer survivors feel pretty too. For every tube of GOGO Instant Natural Volume Argan Mascara purchased, our Give One Get One campaign donates another mascara to a City of Hope cancer patient or survivor. After 5,000 mascaras have been donated, the campaign continues to donate $1 per mascara to women’s cancer research at City of Hope.

Bear Naked Wipes

With the ice melting under their big, furry paws, polar bears need a little human help. You can give them that helping hand when you buy a pack of Bear Naked Wipes. A portion of each sale goes to the Natural Resources Defence Council’s Polar Bear SOS Initiative. 

Moroccan Women’s Co-Ops & Sustainable Harvest

In 2002, the Moroccan government helped establish women's cooperatives to manufacture Argan Oil--while providing Moroccan women with a steady income, fair wage, and healthy working conditions, as well as literacy and education classes. The co-ops also give women a sense of empowerment in a traditionally male-dominated society. Dedicated to responsible harvesting practices, reforestation projects, and environmental protection policies, this program helps preserve Argan forests and women's jobs. The purchase of Josie’s 100% Pure Argan Oil contributes to their success. 


Each time we source our 100% Pure Argan Oil, we donate a portion of our purchase price to Marocavie, a charitable organization in Morocco dedicated to improving economic, social, and environmental conditions in the Southwestern regions of Morocco, where Argan Oil is harvested. The organization works to improve education for children, provide socio-economic opportunities for families, and prevent the spread of the desert and rural exodus.

We know that you, our beloved customers, are out there doing good things for the world too. Tell us how you contribute to the well being  of others, and you’ll have a chance to win your shade of Argan Matchmaker Powder Foundation SPF 20. Just type your answer into the comments section. We'll announce our world-changing winner on Monday, July 30. 


Reader Comments (11)

Every Christmas we adopt a family and buy the kids gifts off of their Christmas list and give them a gift card to the local grocery store so they can fix themselves a Christmas meal.

July 24, 2012 | Unregistered CommenterJen

I recycle everything and try to leave as little an imprint on the world as I can. For the few things I can't use or don't need, I donate them to worthy charities. My clothes and household items go to a battered women's shelter where many show up with only the clothes on their backs and little else. I don't know many of these women but if my life had taken a different path, I could have been one of them. When my mother passed away, all her clothes and personal items were donated to them as well. Just knowing that other women benefited from what she had makes my heart fuller.

July 24, 2012 | Unregistered CommenterNancy

I think world changing starts at home. My mother made sure to instill in her children that making products on your own, and using as you all call it, "conscience" based products, was more important than getting the "latest" and "greatest" fads in fashion, and home. I now have three boys.. and though I don't get to share with them my love of beauty products, I do make sure to take care and teach them the importance of being aware of all of our daily use items and where they come from and who it affects, whether it be eating, cleaning; it's every day items that we use and our choices that impact what businesses will thrive, and it's important that our demand lies with the companies that are committed to making a difference in our world and making our lives and everyone's healthier and safer: cradle to grave (meaning everything that went into making that product, to coming to us at home, and then to disposal!). Also, I'm so excited that your product makes me feel good both outwardly, and inwardly!! And, it all being incredibly fashion forward is a great bonus!

July 24, 2012 | Unregistered CommenterJo

My mother and I always recycle everything possible in our household. One example involves the glass bottles from homeopathic remedies and the plastic medication bottles which get reused as containers for other things; like my dog's joint medication or to hold spare screws etc.

We have also always been in the situation of living paycheck to paycheck. But whenever we have gotten a windfall of money we try to donate to others. Most of the time it's donating a few dollars to Petsmart Charities whenever we buy dog food. I also personally have helped strangers with pets in need of medical care in honor of the people (known and unknown) who helped donate money to help me with the vet bills that saved my dog's life. There are numerous ways to help others and I just hope that more people device to lend a hand to those in need as well as mother earth.

July 24, 2012 | Unregistered CommenterStefanie Strosky/Skye

I give blood....and donate platelets. I am not rich so I cannot give lots of money to charities altho we do what we can. What I can do is give of myself. I have donated for years and years. I have so many donor cards filled up and truly they are my most prized posessions. So few people donate until something happens and it touches them personally. I do it because I am pretty healthy and I can. I never know who it goes to or how many people it helps. I do it because it's needed and so few people do. I do it because one year I was blessed to meet some bone marrow transplant recipients and saw it from their perspective. Hundreds of units of platelets are needed until a person's own immunity kicks in. It was a life changing moment for me. I do it religiously and try to educate those who sill live with misunderstandings about the process and AIDS etc. etc. I do it because I can, and it's vital for our planet...and all the people who live on it. xo

July 24, 2012 | Unregistered CommenterChris

I volunteer at the American Cancer Society Discovery Shop in San Jose Ca the money we get from selling donations gos to cancer research and the wigs we get go to cancer patients and survivors. Also I volunteet in my daugther school to help raise money for the kids school supplies and new computers and books. I help the homeless by
Buying them lunch when I can or giving them clean clothes. I help the homeless by letting them of programs where they can get a motel room a week, warm food, sheltets etc. helping the community is a good thing and you get to meet new people and make new friends age dosent matter.

July 24, 2012 | Unregistered CommenterLizeth colon

I just graduated from Nursing School and am excited to begin caring for others. As a Nurse, I will come into contact with hundreds of people who may never have been given a kind word, or caring smile. I hope to make a difference in my community and my world by being a compassionate, dedicated, and caring Nurse.

July 24, 2012 | Unregistered CommenterCandice Bridges

each month we donate a bag to charity, we are so blessed with an easy and joyful life donating a bag of food clothes and toys and some beauty goodies is the least we can do as a family. This teaches my kids about the bigger world around them.

sultansmom at gmail dot com

July 24, 2012 | Unregistered CommenterJohanna

I volunteered my graphic design services to the Red Cross in the LA chapter designing pamphlets for their different programs for youth services and disaster preparedness.

July 29, 2012 | Unregistered CommenterRL

Our whole family has jumped on the recycling wagon... We recycle EVERYTHING we possibly can, from water bottles to cans to vegetable/fruit peels and anything our yard produces that's organic. The actual garbage that goes out is filled just over half a week... I remember my parents once complained that they needed a second garbage can... We even donate items regularly to local charities instead of sending them to the dump or placing them in the trash... Clothing, household items, shoes, electronics... EVERYTHING! I've even started looking for jewelry to repurpose, as I create jewelry and have seen many a beautiful piece created from jewelry that others were getting rid of... I feel that if everyone recycled on this scale, that we'd see less and less in our land-fills...

June 22, 2013 | Unregistered CommenterLizG.

I volunteer as a Peer Health Educator to educate other college women about health, sexuality, body image, wellness, beauty (with a focus on natural products), and nutrition + healing, whole foods. My aim is to make each and every woman I interact with feel like the beautiful beam of light that they truly are, empowered with knowledge and grounded with love they have for themselves.

July 22, 2013 | Unregistered CommenterAK

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